My Favorite Weight Loss Book & Why


Lose Weight With Your Mind

Isn’t that your book?

Why yes it is! I know it may be cheating to choose my own book as my favorite, but my father once told me, “the person you’re writing your book for first and foremost is you.” He couldn’t have been more right. Putting this book together was really an amazingly positive experience for me. It helped me put into an organized fashion the path that had led me to learning how to improve my health both mentally and physically.



You must be happy to lose the weight

Right now gyms all over the world are full of people committing to themselves to lose weight, and gain confidence in themselves. It is unfortunate that in a few months the majority of them will no longer be there. They will have lose momentum and given up. Part of why this happens is they they have the belief in their mind…

“Once I lose the weight I’ll be happy & confident.”

Unfortunately this belief sets you up for failure in your goals. The truth is that when the going gets tough and life throws a hundred monkey wrenches in your plans, it’s hard to keep you momentum. It’s near impossible if you are hating your life or not feeling good in general. When you are un-happy and un-confident when those hard times or struggles hit, it often comes down your self belief of whether you can over come that situation, or even if you deserve to.

Have you ever had some success then sabotaged yourself?

This tends to happen if you don’t work on your mind and becoming happy first. Then, you will know you deserve your success and feel like it just makes sense. You won’t have that moment of freak out where you throw it down the drain. This is a lesson I learned the hard way many, many times. Now it’s time to just live in the sunshine.


This book is a great resource for those not only wanting to lose weight, but also those wanting to feel a freedom in their mind to be the kind of person they’ve always wanted to be. That was a big thing for me in reading this. I felt inspired to be healthy in my body and my mindset.
— Campbell Caskey, POSTED ON AMAZON


Read more about my journey into this feeling and the transformation it cause in me in Lose Weight With Your Mind.

Jonathan DeLeon